Mr Gukesh became the youngest World Chess champion by winning the FIDE word championship by cornering Mr Ding in a Zugzwang position where White (Ding) had to make a move but any move would have led to loss. This zugzwang position is common in Chess especially with the pawn and king ending.

A similar situation is confronted by Data Fiduciaries in certain circumstances when they have to comply with DPDPA.
Take the example of an email received by a Data Fiduciary in Bangalore from which stated
“My name is R. Jhonny, residing at Lucknow . Under the provisions of ITA 2000 read with DPDPA 2023, kindly provide me the following information.
•Do you process any of my personal data?
•If so, for what purpose and how did you obtain it?
•Please share the copy of the consent I have given if any?
•Please let me know with whom all you have shared it, the purpose of sharing.
•In case I donot receive the information within 3 days from receipt of this email, I shall be constrained to take necessary steps to recover compensation from your end for wrongful processing of my personal data”
This looks a simple question but it takes lot of effort in the first place and even thereafter, may lead to many challenges. Whatever move you make, you may continue to deteriorate your position until you are checkmated.
This problem is set to be discussed by Naavi in today’s event in Bengaluru at LTIMindtree.