Recruiters who are today unaware of Indian Data Protection developments but look at Indian Data Protection Law in the eyes of GDPR often miss the point that to be an effective Data Protection Professional in India, we need to study Indian law first before enhancing it with global laws. Similarly to be an effective Data Auditor, we need to understand PDPCSI first before ISO 27701.
Naavi as a pioneer in Cyber Law and Privacy Education in India is offering a clear path for professionals to acquire current relevant knowledge in India on Data Protection Law and provide peer recognition.
Now Naavi through FDPPI has provided a unique modular process for building your career in Data Protection.
The suggestion is to first learn Indian law on Data Protection, which includes the Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 passed recently along with the Information Technology Act 2000 which retains many aspects of Personal Data management . This can be achieved through CDPP (India).
One course for this purpose is commencing on 26th Of August as a week end afternoon batch. It will cover 12 hours of training, 3 hours each on 26th, 27th August , 2nd and 3rd of September between 2.30 to 5.30. The fee is Rs 15000/- (inclusive of GST) which includes registration in Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals ( which otherwise costs Rs 3000/-
This is a batch in addition to a batch being conducted exclusively for Elite CISO which is on September 2, 3, 9 and 10 for 3 hours each between 10.30 am and 1.30 pm.
CDPP (India) is step 1 to becoming C-DPO-DA or Certified Data Protection Officer and Data Auditor. CDPODA requires completion of two more modules namely Module G on Global Data Protection laws and the Module on Data Audit (Module A) which covers the nuances of ISO 27701 and PDPCSI in depth.
All the three modules together cost Rs 45000/- (inclusive of GST) and includes the registration in Indian National Register of Data Protection Professionals, (worth Rs 3000) Basic membership of FDPPI (worth Rs 6000).

Compare this with any other alternative program available to equip yourself with knowledge and recognition and take a wise decision today.